In addition to Dad's Jalapeño Sauces, you have found the best farmhouse products in the world. And you may purchase them with confidence here on our website, which offers the highest level of security available on the Internet. Made in small batches, our products represent the heritage of Pear Blossom Farms. "A Legacy of Good Taste"
Jalapeño Sauces

Jalapeño Sauces
Dad's Jalapeno Sauces in four flavors:
Red, Green, Peach and Chipotle, all made from fresh old-time standard jalapenos - the kind of peppers that don’t burn your face off!
Peach Products

Peach Products
From the Salsa to the Jalapeno Sauce, Syrup, Preserves and Vinaigrette, all of these products are made from world famous Palisade Peaches.
Vinaigrette Salad Dressings

Vinaigrette Salad Dressings
Bursting with the flavors of fresh fruits, our Spiced Pear, Jalapeno Peach and Raspberry Vinaigrettes will bring a new delight to all your fresh garden salads. Three new ways to toss freshness into your salads.
Fruit Syrups

Fruit Syrups
Our four delicious Fruit Syrups are available in Palisade Peach, Apricot, Seedless Raspberry, and the very difficult to find Wild Chokecherry.
Soft - Jelled Jellies

Soft - Jelled Jellies
From our favorite Plum Jelly to our prized Jalapeno Pepper Jellies, these soft-jelled treats are like none you will find among the national brands.
Fruit Butters

Fruit Butters
Lightly spiced jams made from Jonathan Apples, Sweet Bartlett Pears, and Elephant Heart Plums - all grown right here at Pear Blossom Farms.